Multiple Choice Test Taking Strategies

1. Read the actual question at the end first to find out what information you need and if you even need to read the whole question.

2. Any questions you need more time to answer or if calculations are required, put a plus next to the question and come back after you get through all the questions once. Each question is worth the same amount of points so you want to get through all the questions you can answer quickly on your first pass through the test. Each question that you don't know the information for put a minus next to it. After your first pass, go through and spend time on the ones you put a plus next to. Finally if time allows go through all the questions you put a minus next to and try to eliminate wrong answers and then reason to get best answer or guess. No penalty for guessing :)

3. When you read the question the first time, cover up the answer choices and try to come up with the answer yourself using vocabulary given in question, then find that answer.

4. Underline key words such as ONLY, BEST, NOT or EXCEPT.

5. If you’re having a difficult time visualizing or recalling a concept, draw a quick sketch or figure.

6. If you find your self getting frustrated and feeling like you can't remember anything, step away from the test for a bit. Stand up, stretch, close your eyes get your mind off the test for a minute.