Your cell phone should be away during class today unless you are accessing the website.

Journal Entry:

Describe one type of genetic mutation and explain the effect of that mutation on the individual with it.

Learning Intentions  

Closing Task:

You can create a table that compare different genetic mutations and affect mutations have on the organisms.

Content Standards being covered:

IST-1.N Describe the mechanisms by which genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to protein.
IST-1.O Explain how the phenotype of an organism is determined by its genotype
IST-2.E Describe the various types of mutation.
IST-4.A Explain how changes in genotype may result in changes in phenotype. 

Science Practices:
2.B.b Explain relationship between different characteristics of biological concepts, processes, or models represented visually in applied contexts.
2.C Explain how biological concepts or processes represented visually relate to larger biological principles, concepts, processes, or theories.
3.D Make observations or collect data fro representations of laboratory setups or results.
6.E.a Predict the causes or effects of a change in, or disruption to, one or more components in a biological system based on biological concepts

Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered: