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Journal Entry:

What are some ways that karyotypes differ between people? What are the effects of those differences?

Learning Intentions  


Closing Task:

You can describe how a karyotype for a normal individual compares to someone with cancer or downs syndrome.


Content Standards being covered:


IST-1.B Describe the events that occur in the cell cycle
IST-1.C Explain how mitosis results in the transmission of chromosomes from one generation to the next.
IST-1.D Describe the role of checkpoints in regulating the cell cycle.
IST-1.E Describe the effects of disruptions to the cell cycle on the cell or organism.

Science Practices:
4.B.b. Describe data from a table or graph, including describing trends and/or patterns in the data
6.E.a  Predict the causes or effects of a change in, or disruption to, one or more components in a biological system based on biological concepts or processes.


Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered: