Your cell phone should be away during class today unless you are accessing the website.
Journal Entry:
How can you work most effectively today to set up three trials for each test group?
Learning Intentions
We will learn how to describe water potential, identify components factored into water potential, and use Ψs=-iRCT equation to solve for water potential of a cell.
We will learn how to pose scientific questions about properties of cell membranes and selectively permeability based on molecular structure.
We will learn how to work interdependently.
Closing Task:
You can efficiently and effectively set up your procedure.
You can determine what you need to do to modify your procedure and collect your initial masses.
Content Standards being covered:
ENE-2.H Explain how concentration gradients affect the movement of molecules
across membranes.
ENE-2.I Explain how osmoregulatory mechanisms contribute to the health and
survival or organisms.
Science Practices:
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered:
Thinking Interdependently
Questioning and Posing Problems