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Journal Entry:
Which pigments should move the furthest on the chromatography paper? Why? Which should move the least? Why?
Learning Intentions
We will learn how to use chromatography to separate pigments that are found in plant leaves.
We will learn how pigments separate in chromatography and analyze what they reveal about properties of those pigments.
We will learn the process called Floating Disk Method to determine the rate of photosynthesis, so you can design an investigation to explore factors that affect rate of photosynthesis.
Closing Task:
You can separate pigments from a spinach leaf using chromatography
Content Standards being covered:
ENE-1.H Describe the role of energy in living organisms
Describe the photosynthetic processes that allow organism to capture and store
ENE-1.J Explain how cells capture energy from light and transfer it to
biological molecules for storage and use.
6.B. Argumentation- Support a claim with evidence from biological principles,
concepts, processes, and/or data.
6.C Argumentation- Provide reasoning to justify a claim by connecting evidence to biological theories.
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered:
Apply Past Knowledge to New Situations
Thinking Flexibly