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Journal Entry:
What are some enzymes used in DNA replication and
what are the functions of those enzymes?
Learning Intentions
We will learn how to describe DNA replication as a semiconservative process; that is, one strand serves as the template for a new, complementary strand and requires DNA polymerase III and I, Topoisomerase, Helicase, Ligase, RNA primerase, occurs bidirectionally, and differs in the production of the leading and lagging strands.
We will learn about the human genome project and the race that occurred to map out the entire human genome.
We will learn how the human genome can be used in the medical field to help people who suffer from genetic diseases.
Closing Task:
You can diagram DNA replication process and understand what is happening in each part of your diagram.
You can formulate questions and comments about Cracking the Code Video
Content Standards being covered:
IST-1.K Describe the structures involved in passing hereditary information
from one generation to the next.
IST-1.L Describe the characteristics of DNA that allow it to be used as the
hereditary material.
IST-1.M Describe the mechanisms by which genetic information is copied for
transmission between generations.
Science Practices:
1.C Explain biological concepts, processes, and/or models in applied
2.B.b Explain relationships between different characteristics of biological
concepts, processes. or models represented visually in applied contexts.
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered: