You can have your cell phone out to get ideas for designing you own pill bug experiment.
Journal Entry:
How many test groups should you have at the very least? How many trials should you complete for each test group?
Learning Intentions
You will learn what is required in an AP Biology Investigation pre-lab.
You will learn the inquiry process.
You will learn how to design a investigation to get analyzable data
You will learn how to modify your original procedure to get better data.
You will learn about the behavior of Pill Bugs depending on what investigation you chose to perform.
Closing Task:
You can effectively collect data for your Pill Bug Lab.
Content Standards being covered:
Science Practices
3.A Identify or pose a testable question based on an observation, data, or a model.
3.B State the null and alternative hypotheses, or predict the results of an experiment.
3.C Identify experimental procedures that are aligned to the question, including
a. Identifying dependent and independent variables. b. Identifying appropriate controls. c. Justifying appropriate controls.
3.D Make observations, or collect data from representations of laboratory setups or results.
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered:
Listening with Understanding and Empathy
Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision
Questioning and Posing Problems
Data Collection Using all Senses