You can have your cell phone out only if you don't have a chromebook to do class specific work.
Journal Entry:
What is the purpose for each type of statistical analysis? What questions do you have about your pill bug exploration? What questions do you have about the M&M Activity?
Learning Intentions
You will learn how to do chi square analysis for your Pill Bug Lab.
You will learn how to grade your Pill Bug Lab and give feedback to a classmate to improve their lab.
You will learn how to write a conclusion for your lab
Closing Task:
You can write a conclusion for your Pill Bug lab.
Content Standards being covered:
Science Practices
3.E Propose a new/next investigation based on
a. An evaluation of the evidence from an experiment. b. An evaluation of the
5.D Use data to evaluate a hypothesis (or prediction), including
a. Rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis.
b. Supporting or refuting the alternative hypothesis.
6.A Make a scientific claim.
6.B Support a claim with evidence from biological principles, concepts,
processes, and/or data.
6.C Provide reasoning to justify a claim by connecting evidence to
biological theories.
6.D Explain the relationship between experimental results and larger
biological concepts, processes, or theories.
6.E Predict the causes or effects of a change in, or disruption to, one
or more components in a biological system based on
c. Data.
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered:
Listening with Understanding and Empathy
Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision
Questioning and Posing Problems
Data Collection Using all Senses