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Journal Entry
What is a pedigree? What are they used for?
Learning Intentions
You will learn what the following terms mean: Multiple Alleles, Pleiotropy, Epistasis, and Polygenetic Inheritance
You will learn what a pedigree is and how to use one to predict genotypes of family members.
Content Standards being covered:
EVO-2.A Explain how shared, conserved, fundamental processes and features
support the concept of common ancestry for all organisms.
IST-1.I Explain the inheritance of genes and traits as described by Mendel's
SYI-3.B Explain how the same genotype can result in multiple phenotypes
under different environmental conditions.
Science Practices:
6.E.c. Predict the causes or effects of a change in, or disruption to, one or
more components in a biological system based on data.
5.C. Perform chi-square hypothesis testing.
1.C Explain biological concepts, processes, and/or models in applied contexts.
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered: