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Journal Entry:
What does Darwin create to show connections between different species?
Learning Intentions
We will learn about evidences that scientists have discovered since Darwin that support his theories by watching "What Darwin Never Knew" video.
We will learn about examples in the real world of organisms that have evolved and evidences for them.
We will learn the purpose of a phylogenetic tree or cladogram that represent an evolutionary history
Closing Task:
You can analyze the evidences that support the theory of evolution.
Content Standards being covered:
EVO-1.C Describe the causes of natural selection.
EVO-1.D Explain how natural selection affects populations.
EVO-1.E Describe the importance of phenotypic variation in a population.
EVO-1.M Describe the types of data that provide evidence for evolution.
EVO-1.N Explain how morphological, biochemical and geological data provide
evidence that organisms have changed over time.
EVO-2.B Describe the fundamental molecular and cellular features shared across
all domains of life, which provide evidence of common ancestry.
Science Practices:
2.A Describe characteristics of a biological concept, process, or model
represented visually.
1.B Explain biological concepts and/or processes.
4.B.a Describe data from a table or graph, including identifying specific data
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered:
Applying past knowledge to current situations