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Journal Entry:
What is metabolic rate and how is it influenced by the size of the organism?
Learning Intentions
We will learn the difference between endotherms and ectotherms and how they effect the metabolic rate of the organisms.
We will learn the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs and how they influence the energy flow within an ecosystem.
We will learn difference between r-strategist and k-strategist that organisms use in response to energy availability.
We will learn the different parts of food chains and the roles of each part, how they create food webs and what happens during energy transfers within them.
Closing Task:
You can apply ecology concepts learned to a specific animal you are researching.
Content Standards being covered:
ENE-1.M Describe the strategies organisms use to acquire and use energy.
ENE-1.N Explain how changes in energy availability affect populations and
ENE-1.O Explain how the activities of autotrophs and heterotrophs enable the
flow of energy within an ecosystem.
Science Practices:
6.D Explain the relationship between experimental results and larger biological
concepts, processes, or theories.
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered:
Applying past knowledge to current situations