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Journal Entry:
What does heterozygote mean? Why is heterozygote advantage actually an advantage evolutionarily?
Learning Intentions
You can describe how genetic drift occurs in small populations.
You can analyze how the reduction of genetic variation within a given population can increase the differences between populations of the same species.
You can describe how different factors within a population can influence evolution of a population through a population genetics computer simulation.
You can describe the founder effect and bottleneck effect and their influence on population genetics.
Content Standards being covered:
EVO-1.H Explain how random occurrences affect the genetic makeup of a
EVO-1.I Describe the role of random processes in the evolution of specific
EVO-1.J Describe the change in the genetic makeup of a population over time.
EVO-1.K Describe the conditions under which allele and genotype
frequencies will change in populations.
EVO-1.L Explain the impacts on the population if any of the conditions of
Hardy-Weinberg are not met.
Science Practices:
3.B State the null or alternative hypotheses, or predict the results of an
5.A.a Perform mathematical calculations, including mathematical equations
in the curriculum.
1.C Explain biological concepts, processes, and/or models in applied contexts.
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered:
Applying past knowledge to current situations