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Journal Entry:
What are some density-dependent factors that affect population growth? What about density-independent factors that affect population growth?
Learning Intentions
We will learn what a population is and the factors that influence growth dynamics of a population
We will learn how to use the population growth equation.
We will learn the difference between exponential and logistic growth, how to calculate them, and what factors effect each type of growth.
Closing Task:
You can apply population growth concepts to your animal species research project.
Content Standards being covered:
SYI-1.G Describe factors that influence growth dynamics of populations.
SYI-1.H Explain how the density of a population affects and is determined by
resource availability in the environment.
Science Practices:
4.A Construct a graph, plot, or chart.
5.A.c Perform mathematical calculations, including rates.
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered:
Applying past knowledge to current situations