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Journal Entry:
Are all genes in your DNA being expressed somewhere in your body at any given time?
Learning Intentions
We will learn ways that environmental factors influence many traits both directly and indirectly.
We will learn about examples of when an organism's adaptation to the local environment reflects a flexible response of its genome.
Closing Task:
You can argue whether you think nature or nurture has a greater influence on who we are using evidence from articles.
Content Standards being covered:
IST-2.A Describe the types of interactions that regulate gene expression
IST-2.B Explain how the location of regulatory sequences relates to their
IST-2.C Explain how the binding of transcription factors to promoter regions
affects gene expression and/or the phenotype of the organism.
IST-2.D Explain the connection between the regulation of gene expression and
phenotypic differences in cells and organisms.
Science Practices:
6.A Make a scientific claim
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered: