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Journal Entry:
What do prokaryotic cell use to regulate gene expression? What are the two types? How do they differ?
Learning Intentions
You can describe various ways eukaryotes regulate gene expression
You can explain how specific signals within and between cells are used to regulate gene expression.
You can describe how timing and coordination of events support normal development in an organism.
Closing Task:
You can draw a diagram for an operon and be able to explain necessary parts.
Content Standards being covered:
IST-2.A Describe the types of interactions that regulate gene expression
IST-2.B Explain how the location of regulatory sequences relates to their
IST-2.C Explain how the binding of transcription factors to promoter regions
affects gene expression and/or the phenotype of the organism.
IST-2.D Explain the connection between the regulation of gene expression and
phenotypic differences in cells and organisms.
Science Practices:
6.A Make a scientific claim
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered:
Thinking and Communicating with Clarity
Making Connections with Past Knowledge