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AP Chemistry Summer HW
    Website Questions
    Periodic Table of Ions
    Solubility Rules (another format)
    Diagnostic Practice Problems

Summer Videos:
Polyatomic Ion Video

Solubility Video

HW: Bring/buy 2 science notebooks, study for Elements Quiz and finish summer Diagnostic Practice Problems HW

MU: Bring/buy 2 science notebooks,  study for Elements Quiz, and finish summer Diagnostic Practice Problems HW


HW:  Watch Flipped Classroom Reflections and Metacognition: Learning about Learning and bring in any questions you have.

MU: Come in to take Element Symbol Quiz, watch Flipped Classroom Reflections and Metacognition: Learning about Learning and bring in any questions you have about what a flipped classroom is and metacognition.


HW: Get safety contract signed, sign into Chemistry AP Classroom using link and code above and study for Polyatomic Ion Quiz (can use website game for review)

MU: Watch Safety Video linked above and go over safety contract, get contract signed by parents, get safety contract turned in, sign into Chemistry AP Classroom using link and code above and study for Polyatomic ion quiz.


HW: Review AP textbook-fill out TCF and work on Chemistry Laboratory Equipment by looking up purpose for each item

MU: Come in after school to make up Polyatomic Ion Quiz, review AP Chemistry Science Practices to determine which ones you need to work on this year, complete Chemistry Laboratory Equipment exploration by looking up purpose for each piece of lab equipment, check out a textbook from library-fill out TCF.


HW: Finish Chemistry Laboratory Equipment by looking up purpose for each item and Study for Solubility Quiz on Wednesday.

MU: Come in before or after school to finish Chemistry Laboratory Equipment exploration, review Determine Atoms in a Chalk Drawing and copy data table in daily assignment notebook and study for solubility quiz

 Rainbow in Tubes Measurement Activity


HW: Work on Determine Atoms in a Chalk Drawing discussion questions and conclusion and Study for Solubility Quiz on Wednesday.

MU:  Come in before or after school to complete Determine Atoms in a Chalk Drawing and study for solubility quiz


HW: Explore Vernier Technologies 1) Look in Products and find 3 sensors that you find interesting 2) Look in Experiments and find 2 experiments you would be interested in completing 3) Search Go! Link and find 4 sensors you can use on the Chromebook with the Go! Link

MU: Review safety slides linked above, come in before or after school to make up solubility quiz, get strategies presented and practice them with you Element and Compound notes and do HW.


HW: Finish designing Vernier Exploration in lab notebook using lab format handout

MU: Come in after school to design an experiment using Vernier as described above or connect with your lab group to collaborate.


HW: Work on Analysis (average and standard deviation calculation as well as graph) and Conclusion for Vernier Exploration and Read Chapter 1 pages 9-17, read Taking Good Notes pick one strategy you are going to try this year.

MU: Come in after school to make up Vernier Exploration.


HW: Finish Vernier Exploration and watch Daily Video 4.1 Introduction to Reactions, Daily Video 4.3 Representations of Reactions, Daily Video 4.4 Physical and Chemical Changes

MU: Check out textbook from library, get questions answered about Vernier Exploration and finish, find out about demos from notes class and do homework.


HW: Read Chapter 1 pages 20-24, watch Units of Measurement, SI Units and Uncertainty Video, Significant Digits Video, and/or Significant Digits PowerPoint and take notes.

MU: Do textbook assignment and HW.


HW: Read Chapter 1 pages 24-28, watch Factor Label Video, and/ or Dimensional Analysis PowerPoint and take notes.

MU:  Review links about Accuracy vs. Precision, Significant Figures, Prefixes and Conversions, do textbook assignment above and take notes from links above for tomorrow.


HW: Finish Chapter 1 #44, 48, 49 and 54 and Study for Units, Measurements, Significant Figures and Dimensional Analysis Quiz.   

MU: Get help with HW, get notes from someone in class and do HW.


HW: Watch Daily Video 1.1 Moles and Molar Mass Part 1, Daily Video 1.1 Moles and Molar Mass Part 2

MU: Get assignments checked off, come in before or after school to take Units, Measurements, Significant Figures and Dimensional Analysis Quiz and do HW.


HW: Finish 1.1 Moles and Molar Mass IDWDYD Handout  and Watch History of the Atomic Theory Video, and/or Chapter 2 PowerPoint  pg 1-6, and take notes and write down any questions you have.

MU: Come in to get or print off to complete 1.1 Moles and Molar Mass Handout and watch video linked in HW.


HW:  Read Ch 2 pg 43-47, watch Atoms and Periodic Table Video (some of this may be review so you don't need to watch all) and Mass Spectrometry Video or Daily Video 1.2 Mass Spectroscopy of Elements Part 1 and Daily Video 1.2 Mass Spectroscopy of Elements Part 2, and/or Chapter 2 PowerPoint  pg 7-12, and take note and write down any questions you have.

MU: Do Journal Entry from Learning Intentions above, make a copy of Atomic Theory Slides, follow instructions explained above for slides and watch videos.


HW:  Finish textbook assignment and Study for Atomic Theory and Mass Spectrometry Quiz

MU: Do Journal Entry from Learning Intentions above, explore Mass Spectrometer Data Exploration, do 1.2 Mass Spectroscopy of Elements IDWDYD Handout and study for Quiz.


HW: Read Chapter 2 pg 51-65, watch Naming Compounds Video Part I and Part II and/or Chapter 2 PowerPoint pg 14-23 and take notes to be used in class

MU: Come in before or after school to take Atomic Theory and Mass Spectrometry Quiz, review Identifying Types, Naming and Writing Formulas of Pure Substances PowerPoint and take notes using resources linked above.


HW: Finish textbook assignment and Read Chapter 2 pg 64, watch Acid Naming Video (only first 2:32), or take notes from Chapter 2 PowerPoint: Acids (pg 22)

MU: Do Questions of the Day, review Identifying Types, Naming and Writing Formulas of Pure Substances PowerPoint (pages ) and do textbook assignment Chapter 2 #58, 60, 64, 66, 68


HW: Finish textbook assignment, Study for Naming Quiz, Naming Practice Quiz .

MU:  Review Identifying Types, Naming and Writing Formulas of Pure Substances PowerPoint (pages 9-10) do HW and Study for Naming/Writing Formula Quiz.