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HW: Finish copying Gastropod Video and Introduction Notes

MU: Get Unit 3: Gastropod and Bivalve Unit Table of Contents and watch video on Gastropod Video and Introduction Notes and take notes in notebook from video and handout


HW: Finish Gastropod Coloring Page

MU: Get handout Gastropod Coloring Page from Berwick and color.


HW: Finish Snail Dissection Pre-Lab

MU: Complete Snail Dissection Pre-Lab


HW: Finish analysis and conclusion for Gastropod Dissection Lab

MU: Use video or come in after school to complete Gastropod Dissection Lab


HW: Finish analysis and conclusion for Gastropod Dissection Lab

MU: Finish analysis and conclusion for Gastropod Dissection Lab and do part 1 of Gastropod Live Lab using video on handout



HW: Complete Gastropod Venom Research and finish questions

MU: Complete Gastropod Venom Research and answer questions


HW: Finish any past gastropod unit assignments

MU: Get papers from Berwick and tape into notebook and come in before or after school to collect data on the Gastropod Shells


HW: Finish up Gastropod Shell Analysis

MU: Come in before or after school to finish collecting gastropod shell data and complete Gastropod Shell Analysis


HW: Finish up Gastropod Live Lab Parts 3 and 4

MU: Come in before or after school to complete Gastropod Live Lab Part 2: Limpet


HW: Work on Gastropod Diversity Slideshow

MU: Review requirements for and work on Gastropod Diversity Slideshow and send any questions you have to Berwick


HW: Finish Gastropod Diversity Slideshow and any missing assignments from this unit

MU: Finish Gastropod Diversity Slideshow and any missing assignments from this unit


HW: Finish filling out table in Nudibranch Video and Article

MU: Watch video and read article and complete Nudibranch Video and Article


HW: Work on missing work from this unit

MU: Come in before or after school to take Gastropod Formative


HW: Finish Introduction to Bivalves and Shell Exploration

MU: Complete Introduction to Bivalves and Shell Exploration


HW: Finish any missing work from this unit

MU: Finish any missing work from this unit