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HW: Finish Clam Coloring Pages

MU: Complete Clam Coloring Pages


HW: Finish up labeled drawings using pictures on handout

MU: Come in before or after school to complete Clam Dissection


HW: Finish Clam Dissection Analysis and Conclusion and clam coloring pages

MU: Complete Clam Dissection Analysis and Conclusion and clam coloring pages


HW: Finish Geoduck and Quahog Bivalve Comparison

MU: Complete Geoduck and Quahog Bivalve Comparison using resource links in document


HW: Finish Bivalve Steaming Lab

MU: Complete Bivalve Steaming Lab


HW: Finish videos with notes from each section

MU: Watch videos links on document above and write down 3 facts from each section


HW: Finish post questions on Bivalve Live Lab

MU: Come in before or after school to make up Bivalve Live Lab or use linked videos in document to complete Parts I and II


HW: Finish Giant Clam vs Clam Questions

MU: Complete Giant Clam vs Clam Questions using article and links of from lab book.


HW: Finish any missing or incomplete assignments

MU: Come in before or after school to complete Bivalve Formative


HW: Finish Chiton Article, Video and Reading Notes

MU: Complete Chiton Article, Video and Reading Notes using resources included on document


HW: Finish Aquaculture Basics

MU: Complete Aquaculture Basics using link to website and video on handout to help you answer the questions


HW: Finish Gastropod and Bivalve Review and practice for assessment using Gastropod and Bivalve Review Quizizz

MU: Complete Gastropod and Bivalve Review and practice for assessment using Gastropod and Bivalve Review Quizizz


HW: Finish up any missing assignments from this unit

MU: Come in before or after school to take Gastropod and Bivalve Summative Assessment


HW: Turn in all missing work by 3:00pm today, enjoy your long weekend!

MU: Turn in all missing work by 3:00pm today, enjoy your long weekend!


HW: None

MU: Take Final Units Feedback Survey and sign up for tank participation on Advanced Marine Biology Fish and Tank Care Calendar


HW: Finish you research and input on slides (steps 1-4)

MU: Review Extinct Creatures of the Deep Ocean Project and start working through steps 1-4


HW: Continue drawing of creature to put on timeline poster

MU: Take notes on table on handout on second page of Extinct Creatures of the Deep Ocean Project about each creature in the class google slides



HW: Complete what ever part of the comparison table you have not done using class google slides

MU: Take notes from class google slides on all the extinct animals in comparison table.