Percent Composition of an Egg

Percent composition of each element in a substance can be determined by finding the mass of each element in the substance, adding them up to determine the total mass of the substance, and then dividing the each elements mass by the total. Finally convert into percentage by multiply ing by 100. An egg is composed of three major parts: white, yolk, and shell. The percent composition for each of these parts can also be found in an egg.

Purpose Question:
What percentage of the total by mass of an egg are each of its components?
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Include proper information including what you are doing, your prediction and reasoning for this prediction.

Make a plan by writing out detailed steps you will follow to determine percent composition of an egg. Make sure to include a list of materials and a data table to collect your data as part of your plan.

Discuss your results including data to support and how close your results were to your hypothesis. Research the role of each component in an egg and discuss how the percent composition of each part impacts the function or purpose of the egg as a whole.