Your cell phone should be away during all times today.
Learning Intentions
You can determine how many atoms of each type of atom are in a formula
You can determine the atomic weight/mass of each type of atom in the formulas and add up all the weights/masses to get formula mass for the substance.
You can describe what percent composition is and how to calculate it.
You can define a mole and explain why it is used in chemistry.
Content Standards being covered:
*Student understands what the letters and numbers stand for in a compound formula, can use those letter and numbers to determine how many of each type of element there are in a formula.
101. A compound�s formula will describe which elements are present in the compound and how many atoms of each.
102. In a compound, the subscript after an element will describe the number of atoms of that element only
103. If a subscript is placed on the outside of a parentheses that contains more than one element, the subscript will apply to all of the atoms within the parentheses
104. A coefficient placed in front of a compound describes the total number of that entire compound present
107. The total mass of a compound is the sum of all of the atom�s masses that make up the compoundHabits of Mind/Life skills being covered:
Thinking and Communicating with Clarity
Making Connections with Past Knowledge
Journal Entry:
What is the formula weight of H2O?