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Learning Intentions
You can represent the different bonds types in pictures
You can represent properties of different bonds in pictures so you can understand what happens at the particle level.
Content Standards being covered:
*Student understands why bonding (intramolecular forces)
occurs between atoms, what types of bonds form when different elements interact,
how the bonds form and properties that arise as a result of the bond forming.
112. Ionic bonds form when opposite charged ions attract to each other after one
element takes the valence electrons of another element to form two oppositely
charged ions.
113. Covalent bonds form when elements share their valence electrons
114. Metals will form metallic bonds with each other as the result of
delocalized electrons that free flow around metallic cations
123. Ionic compounds have high melting points, are usually soluble in water and
can conduct electricity as liquids.
124. Covalent compounds (molecules) do not conduct electricity, have lower
melting points and only polar covalent are soluble in water.
139. Polar molecules dissolve in water and conduct electricity slightly.
Nonpolar molecules do not do either
Habits of Mind/Life skills being covered:
Posing Questions and Problem Solving
Making Connections with Past Knowledge
Striving for Accuracy
Journal Entry:
Make a drawing to represent one type of intramolecular force.