Unit 1 Review

Be able to make a measurement using a device such as a graduated cylinder, meter stick or electronic balance with the proper detail and unit for that device.

1. Determine the length of your middle finger from knuckle on your hand to finger tip_____________

2. Determine the mass of a pencil ___________

3. Determine the volume of a marble ___________

Be able to convert a measurement from one prefix to another.

4. Convert your measurement in 1 to km.

5. Convert your measurement in 2 to µg.

6. Convert your measurement in 3 to ML.

Make some observations about an object in the room and determine the type of observations you made.

7. Make three observations about object #1 in the front of the room and determine what type of observation each observation is.

From a scenario, create a purpose question and hypothesis in the proper format.

8. Group A is playing with a toy car and notice that when they pull the car backwards and release the car it rolls forward by itself. They think that the surface the car is on might influence how well it moves, so they decide to investigate...

Identify the four variables from another scenario.

9. Group B is throwing mini Frisbees to determine whether the angle they throw the mini Frisbees at affects the distance the mini Frisbees fly.

Construct a table with the proper number of trials and a graph to record data for a given investigation.

10. Group C is going to investigate whether the weight hung from a parachute will affect how fast the parachute falls when dropped off some stairs.

Properly choose and complete graph for data from a table.

11. The following set of data was collected by Group D:

Length of string (cm)

Distance ball bounces (cm)
Trial 1

Distance ball bounces (cm)
Trial 2

Distance ball bounces (cm)
Trial 3

Distance ball bounces (cm)

10 35 43 38 38.6
20 69 74 77 73.3
30 98 86 92 92.0
40 113 106 115 111.3


Determine the best relationship statement for a set of data.

12. Which relationship statement is best for the data in 11.

a) As the distance the ball bounced increased from 38.6 to 111.3cm, the length of the string increased from 10 to 40 cm.

b) The distance the ball bounced increased by around 70 cm when the string length increased by 30 cm.

c) As the string length increased from 10 to 40 cm, the distance the ball bounces increased from 38.6 to 111.3.

d) As the string length increased, the distance the ball bounces increased.