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Explore the Monterey Bay Aquarium Site
HW: Continue Deep Sea Conditions and Adaptations Article/Video
MU: Complete Deep Sea Conditions and Adaptations Article/Video
HW: Finish Deep Sea Ecosystems Guided Reading
MU: Complete Deep Sea Ecosystems Guided Reading
highlight reading with details about each creature
HW: Finish coloring pages for creatures of the deep
MU: Get coloring pages from Berwick, highlight reading and color creatures of the deep (first 6 pages)
HW: Continue to color pages of the Living Deep Sea Creatures Comparison Coloring packet if you want
MU: Continue to color pages of the Living Deep Sea Creatures Comparison Coloring packet (pages 6 through 12)
HW: Finish Ocean Trenches Questions
MU: Complete Ocean Trenches Questions
Review Ocean Trenches Questions
Finish up any other unfinished assignments
HW: Finish any missing assignments
MU: Complete Brine Pool Video with questions
Reef Nutrients Test Kits
HW: Finish up Angler Fish Video Dissection
MU: Complete Angler Fish Video Dissection
Extinct and Deep Sea Formative
Finish missing work and get checked off in grade book
HW: Finish any missing assignments
MU: Come in to take the Extinct and Deep Sea Formative
Blue Planet II Video Episode 4: Big Blue
HW: Finish answering Open Ocean Conditions and Adaptations
MU: Watch Blue Planet II Episode 4: Big Blue on Max and answer questions in Open Ocean Conditions and Adaptations
read notes about sharks and items on coloring pages
color the sharks and internal comparison diagrams
HW: Finish Shark Coloring Pages
MU: Complete Shark Coloring Pages
HW: Finish the Shark Dissection
MU: Complete the Shark Dissection using videos linked above
use data on pages linked to create graph of organism vs length
color bars on graph similar to sharks coloring
write habitat/location found on bars
HW: Finish the Shark Comparison and Graph
MU: Complete the Shark Comparison and Graph
albatross, frigate bird, scua bird, horned puffin 2, penguin, gull, pelican, skimmer bird, cormorant
HW: Finish the Shorebird Coloring Pages
MU: Complete the Shorebird Coloring Pages
Start Shorebirds, Alcids and other Ocean Birds notes cards and video questions
start working through handout, using links, finding videos and making fact cards
HW: Finish what ever question you were on
MU: Start Shorebirds, Alcids and other Ocean Birds notes cards and video questions
Review and finish Shorebirds, Alcids and other Ocean Birds notes cards and video questions
Finish missing work and do tank maintenance
HW: Finish Shorebirds, Alcids and other Ocean Birds notes cards and video questions and other missing work
MU: Finish Shorebirds, Alcids and other Ocean Birds notes cards and video questions
Review Shorebirds, Alcids and other Ocean Birds notes cards and video questions
Share/discuss feather types and details from coloring book
watch two videos about cetaceans and answer questions
HW: Finish Cetacean Video Questions
MU: Watch videos linked in Cetacean Video Questions and answer questions
Review Cetacean Video Questions
answer questions while watching linked video
HW: Answer questions 1-22 on Whale Dissection with question
MU: Complete questions 1-22 Whale Dissection with question
pick a whale
track and label his migration patterns on the map
display notes about factors that affect migration on back
present your map to the class
HW: Work on Whale Migration Infographic Activity
MU: Complete Virtual Whale Dissection with questions and start Whale Migration Infographic Activity