Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
29 | 30 | 31 |
HW: Work on Lesson 26: Electron Glue Bonding and continue Review Chapter 3 and 4 for Formative Assessment and Review Ch 5 for Unit 1 Summative Assessment.
MU: Come in before or after school to make up Lesson 26: Electron Glue Bonding and work on Review Chapter 3 and 4 for Formative Assessment and Review Ch 5 for Unit 1 Summative Assessment.
HW: Finish Lesson 26: Electron Glue Bonding, and continue Review Chapter 3 and 4 for Formative Assessment and Review Ch 5 for Unit 1 Summative Assessment.
MU: Come in before or after school to finish Lesson 26: Electron Glue Bonding and work on Review Chapter 3 and 4 for Formative Assessment and Review Ch 5 for Unit 1 Summative Assessment.
HW: Finish Chemical Bonding Type Practice, Study Review Chapter 3 and 4 for Formative Assessment and Review Ch 5 for Unit 1 Summative Assessment and use Quizizz game to help practice.
MU: Study Review Chapter 3 and 4 for Formative Assessment and Review Ch 5 for Unit 1 Summative Assessment and use Quizizz game to help practice.
HW: Study for Unit 1 Summative Assessment using Review Chapter 3 and 4 for Formative Assessment and Review Ch 5 for Unit 1 Summative Assessment, use Quizizz game to practice and finish any missing assignments
MU: Study for Unit 1 Summative Assessment using Review Chapter 3 and 4 for Formative Assessment and Review Ch 5 for Unit 1 Summative Assessment. and use Quizizz game to practice
HW: None
MU: Come in before or after school to make up Unit 1 Part 2 Chapter 3-5 Summative Assessment
HW: Work on Chemist Research Project
MU: Take the Interpreting and Analyzing Data Formative #3 or Interpreting and Analyzing Data Challenge Formative #3, sign up for Chemist on list for your class period above, and Chemist Research Project using guidelines and rubric.
HW: Work on Chemist Research Project
MU: Sign up for Chemist on list for your class period above if you haven't already, and complete Chemist Research Project using guidelines and rubric.
HW: Work on Chemist Research Project (Due Monday, December 16th)
MU: Sign up for Chemist on list for your class period above if you haven't already, and complete Chemist Research Project using guidelines and rubric.
HW: Finish Lesson 27: Electroplating
MU: Come in before or after school to complete Lesson 27: Electroplating
HW: Finish Chemist Research Project
MU: Get new Unit 2: Smells Table of Contents from Berwick to keep you organized this unit, review Unit 2: Smells Assessment Review and review new requirements for completing this unit.
HW: Finish questions for Lesson 28: Sniffing Around Molecular Formulas
MU: Finish Chemist Research Project and Come in before or after school to smell vials for Lesson 28: Sniffing Around Molecular Formulas and answer analysis questions using Lesson 28: Sniffing Around Molecular Formulas PowerPoint
Define Structural Formula and Isomer
Lesson 29: Molecules in Two Dimensions (support using Lesson 29: Molecules in Two Dimensions PowerPoint)
Test your predictions
Examine structures
Answer questions
HW: Finish Lesson 29: Molecules in Two Dimensions
MU: Come in before or after school to do Lesson 29: Molecules in Two Dimensions or use support PowerPoint linked above to support completion.
Lesson 30: Bonding Tendencies (support using Lesson 30: Bonding Tendencies PowerPoint)
HONC1234 Rule (Review Rule Video and Practice Problems Video)
write down example problem
answer questions
HW: Finish Lesson 30: Bonding Tendencies
MU: Complete Lesson 30: Bonding Tendencies by coming in before or after school to get help from Berwick or using the support google slides linked above.
Start Lesson 31: Lewis Dot Symbols (support with Lesson 31: Lewis Dot Symbols Google Slides)
Review pages 4-14 of google slides (put in presentation mode) write down each sentence that is highlighted blue.
Watch video on page 14
Part 1: Do #1 together as a class using puzzle pieces, then draw pieces, structural formula and molecular formula
HW: Watch all video linked above and take notes on all sentences with highlighted blue on pages 4-14
MU: Start Lesson 31: Lewis Dot Symbols (see directions above)
sodium polyacrulate vs baking soda and shaving cream
Crushing Life Saver Demonstration
Fake Snow/Snow Globe activity
Read/write Chemistry Christmas Poems and Christmas Chemistry Songs
HW: Finish any missing assignments
MU: Finish any missing assignments and enjoy your Holiday Break!
Discuss Building Quantum Mechanical Models of the Atom with kits activity
Continue with Chapter 13 PowerPoint Notes (page 14)
do practice electron configurations
Electron Arrangement of 10 Elements Handout- Electron configuration
Review Electron configurations
Show how to do using periodic table as a guide
HW: Do electron configuration for elements on Electron Arrangement of 10 Elements Handout
MU: Get notes from someone in class and complete the Electron Arrangement of 10 Elements Handout.
explain condensed form, orbital filling diagrams and dot diagrams, and then complete for each element on the handout
Discuss electron pairs and octets using electron dot diagrams
HW: Finish Electron Arrangement of 10 Elements Handout, condensed form, orbital filling diagrams and dot diagrams on the handout.
MU: Get notes from someone in class or Berwick about orbital filling diagrams, condensed structures and dot diagrams and finish Electron Arrangement of 10 Elements Handout.
Brainstorm impossible and incorrect electron configurations
Each table write electron configurations and dot diagrams for each group on the PT
discuss patterns seen (trends)
HW: None
MU: Do Journal Entry from Learning Intentions, get notes from someone in class, and start Chapter 13 Concept Review
Continue Chapter 13 Concept Review
use notes and assignments from this unit to help guide you, follow steps when needed
ask for help from classmates when you get stuck
review answers at the end of class to compare what everyone got.
Wrap Up/Launch
HW: Finish Chapter 13 Concept Review
MU: Finish Chapter 13 Concept Review
Start Chapter 28 Nuclear Chemistry
Read articles on WHY it is important to learn about the Nuclear Chemistry
Take notes on positives and negatives from your article (can make a t-chart) to present to the class, will add notes from other articles too
Living with the Bomb or The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/Effects of Nuclear Weapons
Share out positive and negative aspects of each article with class
Write a paragraph about why it is important to learn about Nuclear Chemistry and include both positive (at least 3 ideas) and negative (at least 2 ideas) aspects of Nuclear Chemistry.
HW: Finish paragraph about importance of studying Nuclear Chemistry.
MU: Read an article linked above, get notes form someone in class about other articles and write paragraph about importance of studying nuclear chemistry following directions above.
Take notes from Chapter 28: Nuclear Chemistry PowerPoint (pages 1-6)
writing alpha decay equations practice
HW: Finish at least seven alpha decay equations practice
MU: Get notes from Nuclear Chemistry PowerPoint (pages 1-6) and do first 5 alpha decay equations practice
Discuss questions on assignments completed last week
Finish taking notes from Nuclear Chemistry PowerPoint (pages 6-)
writing beta decay equations practice (complete at least 7)
Nuclear Chemistry Project
Create a visual model for one of the three main processes in nuclear chemistry
radioactivity, fusion or fission
include and label important components/parts and how they work together to create the process (make sure that law of conservation of mass is followed)
discuss the energy released during the process
possible medium for the models include: flip book, pictures of objects that you animate, play with script , video
HW: Work on Nuclear Chemistry Project
MU: Finish notes, and do at least seven of beta decay problems linked above, read through Nuclear Chemistry project requirements above and start on project.
Create a visual model for one of the three main processes in nuclear chemistry
radioactivity, fusion or fission
include and label important components/parts and how they work together to create the process (make sure that law of conservation of mass is followed)
discuss the energy released during the process
possible medium for the models include: flip book, pictures of objects that you animate, play with script , video
HW: Finish on Nuclear Chemistry Project and start Review for Chapter 13, 14 and 28
MU: Create Nuclear Chemistry Project following requirements above.
Brainstorm questions that could be on Chapter 5, 13, and 28 Test
Discuss ways to study for tests
HW: Finish all assignments from this unit and study for test by working on Review for Chapter 13, 14 and 28 .
MU: Finish all assignments from this unit and study for test by working on Review for Chapter 13, 14 and 28
go over questions from review
Check off assignments
HW: Finish all assignments from this unit and study for test.
MU: Finish all assignments from this unit and study for test.
Chapter 5, 13 and 28 Test
Check off all assignments from this unit
HW: None and enjoy your Holiday Break!
MU: Take Chapter 5, 13, and 28 Test on the day we get back form break.
Review No-Bake Cookie Recipes
decide on which recipe we want to make
discuss how to determine percent composition for cookie chosen
sign up for bringing different supplies for making the cookie
HW: Bring in supplies for No-Bake Cookie Recipe
MU: None
determine percent composition of ingredients in no-bake cookie recipe
HW: None
MU: None
HW: Finish Periodic Table Activity
MU: Do Periodic Table Activity above (if you need help come in before or after school).