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Review Periodic Trend IDWDYD 1.7 and Released FRQs 2006 Form A #8, 2007 Form B #6 2006 Form B #7 (optional 2010 Form A #6 b, 2002 #6 a b d, 2018 #3)
Complete Valence Electrons IDWDYD 1.8
HW: Study for multiple choice part of Chapter 6 and 7 Test by completing Review for Chapter 6 and 7 Test (answers), and taking Unit 1 Progress Check.
MU: Finish Valence Electrons IDWDYD 1.8 and any missing work, study for multiple choice part of Chapter 6 and 7 Test by completing Review for Chapter 6 and 7 Test (answers), and taking Unit 1 Progress Check.
Review and Work on Review for Chapter 6 and 7 Test (answers)
answer questions
Work on any missing work
get checked off
HW: Study for multiple choice part of Chapter 6 and 7 Test by completing Review for Chapter 6 and 7 Test (answers), and taking Unit 1 Progress Check.
MU: Finish any missing work, study for multiple choice part of Chapter 6 and 7 Test by completing Review for Chapter 6 and 7 Test (answers), and taking Unit 1 Progress Check.
Review Final Questions
Chapter 6 and 7 Test
MC section
HW: Study for FRQ, be able to answer one from (1990 D, 1993 D, 2002 #6 a b d, 2006 Form B #7) and one from (1999 #2a,b(i), 2006 Form A #8, 2007 Form B #6). Watch Daily Video 2.1 Types of Chemical Bonds Part 1 and Part 2 or Ionic Bonding video
MU: Study for FRQ, be able to answer one from (1990 D, 1993 D, 2002 #6 a b d, 2006 Form B #7) and one from (1999 #2a,b(i), 2006 Form A #8, 2007 Form B #6).Come in after school to make up Chapter 6 and 7 Multiple Choice Test and watch linked videos above.
Finish Chapter 6 and 7 Test
FRQ section
HW: Read pg 296-324, start Types of Chemical Bonds IDWDYD 2.1, watch Daily Video 2.3 Structure of Ionic Solids or Ionic Solids Video and/or review Chapter 8 Notes through page 18 and take notes of each.
MU: Do Journal Entry from Learning Intentions, review PowerPoint notes through pg 6, start textbook assignment and watch video linked.
Start Chapter 8 Notes (pages 1-6)
Structure of Ionic Solids IDWDYD 2.3 Chapter 8 #12, 14, 22 (optionals 8, 16, 18, 19, 20, 24)
Wrap Up/Launch
HW: Finish Structure of Ionic Solids IDWDYD 2.3 Chapter 8 #12, 14, 22, watch Daily Video 2.2 Intramolecular Force and Potential Energy Part 1 and Part 2 or Bond Length and Energy Video and Covalent Bonding Videos
MU: Come in and ask questions when you return if you need clarification on Types of Chemical Bonds IDWDYD 2.1 and how to draw lewis structures for ionic compounds, review notes on Structure of Ionic Solids IDWDYD 2.3 and complete with Ch 8 #12, 14, 22 and finally watch video linked above.
Review Structure of Ionic Solids IDWDYD 2.3 #12, 14, 22
Purpose: to visualize an ionic bond and create a picture to help you remember how the structure of the bond relates to the physical properties of the bond
How: create a comic strip about an ionic solid that represents, both through pictures and explanations, what happens at the microscopic level to cause each of the properties typical of an ionic solid. Be sure to include how Coulomb's Law also has an affect on this properties within the solid.
Must include at least 6 boxes: one introducing structure and one for each of the five properties (melting point, solubility, conductivity, brittle, vapor pressure)
Must have colored pictures
Must include both pictures and narration/explanation to support pictures
Can be informational with out a story line or creative that connects concepts to a story
Continue Chapter 8 Notes (pages 7-11)
Covalent bonding and how to draw Lewis Structures for covalent/molecular compounds
HW: Finish Ionic Bonding Comic Strip, and Intramolecular Force and Potential Energy IDWDYD 2.2, Watch Daily Video 2.5 Lewis Diagrams Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 or Covalent Bonding Lewis Structures and VSEPR Theory Video and study for Ionic Solid Formative Assessment
MU: Create an Ionic Bonding Comic Strip following directions/requirements posted above. Complete Intramolecular Force and Potential Energy IDWDYD 2.2 review PowerPoint notes through pg 11 and watch video and study for Ionic Solid Formative Assessment.
Review Ionic Bonding Comic Strip and Intramolecular Force and Potential Energy IDWDYD 2.2
Ionic Solid Formative Assessment
Continue Chapter 8 Notes (pages 12-18)
Discuss formal charge and using it to determine which Lewis structure is preferred.
Lewis Structure Practice
Exceptions to the octet rule
Read Chapter 8 pg 301-310 Lewis Diagrams IDWDYD 2.5 (optionals: Ch 8 # 32, 40, 43, 45, 48)
HW: Watch Daily Video 2.6 Resonance and Formal Charge Part 1 and Part 2
MU: Come in to take Ionic Solid Formative Assessment, review PowerPoint Pages linked above, takes notes, complete Lewis Diagrams IDWDYD 2.5, and watch video linked.
Review Lewis Diagrams IDWDYD 2.5
Do some Lewis Structure Practice Problems with chalk markers
Discuss questions from videos
Introduce Chapter 9: Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories pg 1-7
Electron Repulsion Demos
Discuss/Start VSEPR Model Building Lab using Molecular Models
HW: Watch Daily Video 2.7 VSEPR and Bond Hybridization Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3, or VSEPR Theory Common Mistakes, VSEPR Theory Practice Problems, and VSEPR Theory Practice Problems Advanced Videos, and work on VSEPR Model Building Lab using Molecular Models
MU: Try to do Lewis Structure Practice Problems, and Resonance and Formal Change IDWDYD 2.6, explore VSEPR Model Simulations, review VSEPR Model Building Lab using Molecular Models, and come in with any questions you have.
(Optional: VSEPR and Hybridization IDWDYD 2.7)
discuss polarity and hybridization to finish each structure's descriptions
HW: Finish VSEPR Model Building Lab using Molecular Models
MU: Do VSEPR Model Building Lab using Molecular Models (come in for help with Berwick if you want help :) ),
Answer questions about VSEPR Model Building Lab using Molecular Models
Work on AP released FRQs 2005A #6, 2006B #6, 2006A #7 (optionals 2007A #6a-d, 2008A #5 def)
HW: Finish VSEPR FRQs, study for VSEPR Drawing Formative Assessment and watch Covalent Network Solid Video and Molecular Solid Video
MU: Review Lewis structures in AP released FRQs (2005A #6, 2006B #6, 2006A #7, 2007A #6a-d, 2008A #5 def), study for VSEPR Drawing Formative Assessment and watch Covalent Network Solid Video and Molecular Solid Video
VSEPR Drawing Formative Assessment
Comparing Covalent Bonding: Covalent Network Solid vs. Molecular Solids
Discuss each type with those at your table for clarification
Discuss both similarities and differences in the essential characteristics of the structure and the resulting properties and interactions due to that structure
Liquid Chalk marker comparison
HW: Watch Daily Video 2.4 Structure of Metals and Alloys or Metallic Bonding Video and Metallic Solid Video
MU: Create a visual comparison with supporting description about covalent network solid and molecular solids above following requirements discussed, come in to take VSEPR Drawing Formative Assessment and watch video linked above.
HW: Do first part of pre-lab for Guided Inquiry: What's in that Bottle? (title, lab partners and roles, challenge, pre-lab guiding questions #1-4, MSDS, Part 1 Data Table)
MU: Do first part of pre-lab for Guided Inquiry: What's in that Bottle? (title, lab partners and roles, challenge, pre-lab guiding questions #1-4, MSDS, Part 1 Data Table)
Get initial part of pre-lab checked off
Start pre-lab testing: experiment with knowns
write directions for each step of the data you collect for Procedure for Part 1 and record results in Part 1 data table
discuss most effective tests you completed and what tests you want to do to test the unknowns
Start working on the rest of your pre-lab (need to include Part II Guiding Questions, Part II Procedures for each test your group is planning on doing supported by drawings {at least 3}, and a data table to record your results for testing unknowns)
HW: Pre-lab for Guided Inquiry: What's in that Bottle? (need to include Part II Guiding Questions, Part II Procedures for each test your group is planning on doing supported by drawings {at least 3}, and a data table to record your results for testing unknowns)
MU: Come in after school to make up Guided Inquiry: What's in that Bottle? pre-lab testing, and finish pre-lab for Guided Inquiry: What's in that Bottle? (need to include Part II Guiding Questions, Part II Procedures for each test your group is planning on doing supported by drawings {at least 3}, and a data table to record your results for testing unknowns)
Get initial part of pre-lab checked off if you were absent yesterday
Finish pre-lab testing: experiment with knowns
write directions for each step of the data you collect for Procedure for Part 1 and record results in Part 1 data table
discuss most effective tests you completed and what tests you want to do to test the unknowns
Working on the rest of your pre-lab (need to include Part II Guiding Questions, Part II Procedures for each test your group is planning on doing supported by drawings {at least 4}, and a data table to record your results for testing unknowns)
HW: Pre-lab for Guided Inquiry: What's in that Bottle? (need to include Part II Guiding Questions, Part II Procedures for each test your group is planning on doing supported by drawings {at least 4}, and a data table to record your results for testing unknowns) and bring questions for after break.
MU: Come in after school to make up Guided Inquiry: What's in that Bottle? pre-lab testing, and finish pre-lab for Guided Inquiry: What's in that Bottle? (need to include Part II Guiding Questions, Part II Procedures for each test your group is planning on doing supported by drawings {at least 4}, and a data table to record your results for testing unknowns)
Working on the rest of your pre-lab (need to include Part II Guiding Questions, Part II Procedures for each test your group is planning on doing supported by drawings {at least 4}, and a data table to record your results for testing unknowns)
Fake Snow/Snow Globe activity
Crushing Life Saver Demonstration
HW: Work on Guided Inquiry: What's in that Bottle? Part II pre-lab (include Part II Guiding Questions, Part II Procedures for each test your group is planning on doing supported by drawings {at least 4}, and a data table to record your results for testing unknowns) Complete any missing work from unit. Start reviewing AP Chemistry Review book and released FRQs. Have a wonderful holiday!
MU: Come in after school to collect data for Part I Guided Inquiry: What's in that Bottle? Investigation and work on Part II pre-lab (need to include Part II Guiding Questions, Part II Procedures for each test your group is planning on doing supported by drawings {at least 4}, and a data table to record your results for testing unknowns), Complete any missing work and start reviewing AP Chemistry Review book and released FRQs, and have a wonderful holiday!
Metallic Solid Model Building
Brainstorm which type of metallic solid you are going to make, pure metal, interstitial alloy or substitutional alloy
Determine structure for type and what you could use to represent each part of the structure.
Determine properties that arise due to unique structure.
Decide who is going to bring what
HW: Finish Metallic Solid Model and be ready to present
MU: Come in before or after school to plan/ask questions about Metallic Solid Model requirements as listed above, build model, and be ready to present to class.