
Home Up

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HW: Finish Lesson 31: Lewis Dot Symbols and study for Chapter 6 #1 Formative Assessment using Quizizz and/or completing Unit 2: Smells Assessment  Review MC#1-8, SA #1


MU: Come in before or after school to do Lesson 31: Lewis Dot Symbols, review for Chapter 6 #1 Formative Assessment using Quizizz or by completing Unit 2: Smells Assessment Review MC #1-8, SA #1


HW: Finish any missing work and review missed questions on Chapter 6 #1 Formative Assessment


MU: Come in before or after school to finish Lesson 31: Lewis Dot Symbols using puzzle pieces and review Lessons 28-31 to study for Chapter 6 #1 Formative Assessment.


HW: Finish Lesson 32: Octet Rule


MU: Come in before or after school to do  Lesson 32: Octet Rule


HW: Finish Lesson 33: Functional Groups


MU: Come in to review Lesson 31: Lewis Dot Symbols and Lesson 32: Octet Rule with Berwick and come in before or after school to use cards and complete Lesson 33: Functional Groups


HW: Finish any missing work


MU: Finish and turn in any missing work and copy two Smell Concept Maps from someone in class.


HW: Finish missing assignments and reflect on questions on Rainbow Drop Skills Lab


MU: Come in before or after school to make up Rainbow Drop Skills Lab to practice drop skills.


HW: Finish missing assignments and Lesson 34 : Create a Smell pre-lab (purpose question, background, hypothesis, safety tips and labeled drawing of procedure.


MU:  Start Lesson 34 : Create a Smell by writing down purpose question and background, make a properly written hypothesis, and write down safety tips.


HW: Finish Lesson 34 : Create a Smell


MU: Come in before or after school to make up Lesson 34 : Create a Smell


HW: Finish Ester Synthesis Lab Write Up (Lesson 34 and 35)


MU: Come in before or after school to do Lesson 35: Analyzing Ester Synthesis and finish the Ester Synthesis Write up with conclusion


HW: Finish Ester Synthesis Lab Write Up (Lessons 34 and 35). Start Unit 2: Smells Assessment Review MC #1-13 and SA #1-2 as describe on Monday to study for Chapter 6 formative assessment and complete Chapter 6 #2 Quizizz to practice


MU: Review Learning Intentions and do Journal Entry, finish  Ester Synthesis Lab Write Up (Lessons 34 and 35). Start Unit 2: Smells Assessment Review #1-13 as described on Monday to study for Chapter 6 formative assessment, complete Chapter 6 #2 Quizizz to practice and finish any missing assignments


HW: Complete Unit 2: Smells Assessment Review MC #1-13 and SA #1-2 as described above to study for Chapter 6 formative assessment and complete Chapter 6 #2 Quizizz to practice


MU: Complete Unit 2: Smells Assessment Review #1-13 as described above to study for Chapter 6 formative assessment, complete Chapter 6 #2 Quizizz to practice and finish any missing assignments.


HW: Work on missing work


MU: Come in before or after school to take Chapter 6 Formative Assessment


HW: Work on missing work

MU: Work on missing work


HW: Finish drawings for each missed question and have a great long weekend, Semester 1 done! (possibly get a new notebook for semester 2)


MU: Draw a picture to represent ideas from each missed question from Chapter 6 #2 Assessment and have a great long weekend, Semester 1 done!


HW:Finish Drawing Structural Formulas practice using HONC1234 and Octet Rules


MU: Complete Drawing Structural Formulas practice using HONC1234 and Octet Rules to review from before first semester


HW: Finish Lesson 36: Ball and Stick Models


MU: Come in before or after school to do  Lesson 36: Ball and Stick Models


HW: Work on any missing work


MU: Get questions answered and check off Lesson 36: Ball and Stick Models


HW: Finish up Lesson 39: Space Filling Models

MU: Get notes from someone in class (additions to concept maps) and come in before or after school to do Lesson 39: Space Filling Models.








HW: Finish Lesson 37: Two's Company Electron Domains (do Lesson 38: Let's Build It for extra credit)

MU: Come before or after school to finish Lesson 37: Two's Company Electron Domains using molecular model kits and get notes about molecular shapes of simple molecules from textbook.



HW: Finish Part 1 and work on Part 2 on Lesson 37: Two's Company Electron Domains

MU: Come in before or after school to do Part 1 and 2 for Lesson 37: Two's Company Electron Domains and take notes on Electron domain Theory from textbook.



HW: Finish Lesson 38: Let's Build It

MU: Work through Lesson 38: Let's Build It and come in for help if you need it.






HW: None


MU: Take Chapter 5, 13, and 28 Test on the day we get back form break.


HW: None


MU: Come in before or after school to organize periodic table playing cards, sketch drawing of each of the periodic tables from your period


HW: Finish reading  "The Many Looks of the Periodic Table"  article (pg 12 in October 2008) and sketch and label at least three looks of the Periodic Table and write a brief description of how they are organized for each sketch


MU: Come in before or after school to organize periodic table playing cards, sketch drawing of each of the periodic tables from your period (Period 4, Period 5, Period 6)and get notes form someone in class. Read article above and sketch three different organizations of elements for periodic table


HW: Finish written explanation.


MU: Write a short explanation of how they are organized, then complete the 1/2 page writing task explained above.



HW: Finish Colored Periodic Table

MU: Review Chapter 5 Notes and color periodic table using directions above.


HW: None

MU:  Do Journal Entry from Learning Intentions, get notes from someone in class, and review PowerPoint above for notes about families


HW: None

MU: None


HW: Work on and finish element stories

MU: Finish notes about Periodic Table families from PowerPoint linked above, sign up for an elements with Berwick and write a story as if you were that element describing your properties.


HW: Finish missing assignments

MU: Review Learning Intentions, share element story when you return and get checked off and get notes from someone in class.



HW: Finish graph of atomic radius vs atomic number

MU: Get notes from someone in class and do mini lab on pg 399 in textbook, graphing atomic radius vs atomic number


HW: None

MU: None


HW:  Finish calculations for your straw lengths and look up definition of your property for Periodic Trends Activity with Straws get ready for presentations.

MU: Do Journal Entry from Learning Intentions, get notes from someone in class about atomic radius nuclear charge and shielding effect, and sign up to complete Periodic Trends with Straws Activity with Berwick.


HW: Work on Periodic Trends Straw Activity


MU: Work on Periodic Trend Straw Activity




HW: Finish Periodic Trends Straw Activity


MU: Finish Periodic Trend Straw Activity


HW: Finish all assignments from this unit


MU: Finish all assignments from this unit


HW: Finish Molecules, Molecular Compounds, Ions and Ionic Compounds Activity

MU: Review Learning intentions and do journal entry, review PowerPoint pages linked above, do Molecules, Molecular Compounds, Ions and Ionic Compounds Activity.


HW: Finish #4 and 5 on Naming Molecular Compounds Activity

MU: Get notes from someone in class, come in for help if you don't understand, and do Naming Molecular Compounds Activity.


HW: Finish #4 and 5 on Naming Molecular Compounds Activity

MU: Get notes from someone in class, come in for help if you don't understand, and do Naming Molecular Compounds Activity.


HW: None

MU: Get notes from someone in class about naming molecules, Review Chapter 5 and 6 notes pages 24-26, and do Naming Molecular Compounds Activity.


HW: None

MU: None